At the heart of our curriculum lie three core values: pursuit of academic excellence; the explicit development of metacognition; and crucially, character education.
Academic Excellence is fundamental within our curriculum model. The children’s acquisition of a deep body of knowledge within subject disciplines, will enable them to express their learning to the highest standard. When children achieve excellence, this gives them the confidence to challenge themselves further. Through this process of experiencing success, they will develop character, for example grit, determination, self-efficacy and courage.
Character Education Whilst academic success remains a core priority, developing character is also an essential element of our curriculum model. Our curriculum gives children opportunities to make a positive impact on society. We want them to grasp the possibilities and opportunities of life beyond the classroom, to enable them to thrive at each and every challenge they face in life and make a difference to themselves and those around them.
Metacognition Our curriculum not only focuses on achieving character whilst pursuing academic excellence, but also emphasises deep learning through developing the skills of metacognition. We use an enquiry approach to drive our learning experiences, making the reflective learning process explicit. In addition to this, tools for thinking will be taught to support children’s higher order thinking, synthesis of knowledge and creating of new thinking. However, metacognition can only be developed within a knowledge-rich curriculum.
For PSHE, Computing, MFL, Music and PE, we have chosen a subject specific approach, to ensure that breadth and depth are achieved in these fundamental areas of learning.
We have used the three Is (Intent, Implement and Impact) to produce a curriculum that is both inclusive and creative. These have been used as a touch stone for developing a yearly curriculum for Reception and a rolling two yearly curriculum for Year 1 – 6 to accommodate our split age classes.
- For phonics we use Read Write Inc.
- For Maths we follow the White Rose Curriculum.
We will measure the impact of our curriculum through:
Attainment and progress data
Attendance rates
Extra-curricular registers
Pupil questionnaires
Pupil voice
Parent questionnaire
Lesson observations and book looks
Curriculum review and sharing good practice with peers
Curriculum areas
- Art
- Design and Technology
- Computing
- Geography
- History
- Literacy
- Maths
- Modern Foreign Language
- Music
- PE
- Religious Education
- Science