Baltonsborough CE VC Primary School

Hand in hand, we live and learn.

Ham Street, Baltonsborough, Nr Glastonbury,
Somerset, BA6 8PX

01458 850526

Pearmain Class

Hello and a very warm welcome to Pearmain Class! 

We are an energetic Year 6 class with 13 students and two staff members. Mr Balsom is the Class Teacher with the incredible support of Miss Brettell.  

Developing Social, Emotional and Intellectual Skills

It is a big step being in Pearmain! Being the top class of the school, we always must put our best foot forward. We work hard to represent our school values to the best of our ability; to develop and learn social, emotional and intellectual skills and to be ready for life beyond primary school. However, we still want to have fun, push our creativity and confidence in all things to make time in this class the best they have ever had. We tackle challenging problems in all our lessons for reading, writing and maths and repeat, repeat, repeat to consolidate our learning throughout our time in Pearmain. 


Across the school, we value reading extremely highly, not only to instil reading skills but also a genuine love of books. In Pearman Class, we explore a range of texts, also linking these to our Literacy lessons. Our Reading Champion challenge aims for your child to read at home a minimum of three times a week and enter these in their reading record. The more reading the better though, and we are interested to hear about any books your child enjoys at home for pleasure, so please do note these in there too as it really helps us build up a picture of the types of books they enjoy.

If you have any questions, please do catch me at the end of the day or send me a message on Class Dojo and I shall do my best to answer them. 

We look forward to seeing you! 

All the latest from Pearmain Class…

    Throughout this month, we have been tackling one question in our linked experience – “Should we still commemorate D-Day 80 years later?” – We … Read more
  • Pearmain Class Summer Newsletter
    Pearmain Class Summer Newsletter
  • Pearmain Project: February
    This month we have been starting to really focus on designing our own web pages! The pupils have been looking at various ideas, what … Read more
  • Pearmain Class January 2024
    In Pearmain Class we have been doing lots of work in Literacy on cultural and racial discrimination. We have already finished our unit on … Read more
  • Pearmain Class Newsletter Spring 2024
    Dear Families, Pearmain Class have worked so hard this term. Highlights have included being business entrepreneurs by designing and building their own games and … Read more