We hope you find these links to guidance documents and online resources useful. Please feel free to suggest others, if you have any suggestions please contact us.
Resource | PDF Download / Link |
A great website for Maths | Primary Games :: Maths Games and Interactive Resources for the Primary Classroom |
A valuable resource to help parents to understand what keeps children glued to technology | Parent Zone | At the heart of digital family life |
Information on helping your child with reading, writing and homework | Study support (bbc.co.uk) |
TT Rockstars | https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth |
Helping your KS1 child with maths at home | Helping_Your_Child_With_Maths_at_Home.pdf |
Written strategies guidance | Written_Strategies_Guidance.pdf |
A guide to reading with your children at home | The_Power_of_Reading-Guide_to_reading_with_your_child_at_home.pdf |
Find book reviews by children, see a list of reader’s choice top 10 books, view popular books by age, or look at an extract of a book | Buy a Book. Support a School. Make a Difference | LoveReading4Kids UK |
The Times #1 website to make your child smarter. Mr Thorne Does Phonics, Spelling, Grammar and Maths | Mr T’s Phonics – YouTube |
A series of free games to practise the first stages of reading | Teach Your Monster: Free Phonics, Reading and Mathematics Games |
The Open University resources on encouraging reading at home in Key Stage 2 | Sharing_the_Love_of_Reading_7-9_years.pdf Sharing_the_Love_of_Reading_9-11_years.pdf Supporting_Readers_at_Home_Poster-1-2.pdf Book_Chat_Poster.pdf Book_Chat_Guide.pdf |
Resources from our key stage 2 Spelling Workshop (which may be useful for parents of children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6) | Spelling_in_KS2.pdf Curric_2014_Spelling_Appendix_1_at_a_glance.pdf |
A free resource offering expert advice and information for parents on a range of possible concerns for children and adolescents | Parent_Info_from_CEOP_and_Parent_Zone.pdf |