Baltonsborough CE VC Primary School

Hand in hand, we live and learn.

Ham Street, Baltonsborough, Nr Glastonbury,
Somerset, BA6 8PX

01458 850526

Friends of Baltonsborough School (FOBS)


Friends of Baltonsborough School (FOBS) is a parent-run committee which organises events to raise money for the school.

Their support is invaluable in providing wonderful experiences and resources for the children. Being a part of FOBS is also great fun and a fantastic way of making friends with parents of children the same age as yours. The children benefit from being in school and seeing their parents working with staff as a team.

Last year FOBS paid for book bags, coaches, a visiting pantomime, the television licence, and PTA membership – benefiting all the children. We achieved this by organising some great events, including a quiz night, Summer Fair and Christmas Fair.

We meet on a regular basis. Little ones are welcome. We welcome all parents and any new ideas, suggestions, improvements.