In Russet Class, we have been learning about electricity! We started by learning about electricity as an energy and sorted a range of items into electrical and non-electrical devices. We then studied the component symbols for simple series circuits and after some planning, we wired our own series circuits with batteries, buzzers, lamps, switches and motors.

After this, we learnt about conductivity and investigated materials to see if they were conductors or non-conductors. This involved wiring a simple series circuit with a battery and a lamp. However, the children had to break the circuit with a material and see if the current flowed through the material to light the bulb. Items tested included pieces of rubber, plastic, metal (water bottle, sharpener etc) and hair to name a few! This was super exciting and the children were thrilled to discover that a pencil sharpened at both ends does conduct electricity whereas a normal pencil does not. This is because the graphite was exposed at both ends on the sharpened pencil and graphite is a conductor of electricity, allowing the current to flow through.