At the start of the Summer term, Camelot Class have embarked on a new learning experience linking English and Geography. During this learning experience, we have been considering the key question of ‘how does the flooding in my local area impact our lives?’. We started our new learning experience by going for a walk around our village to find the key geographical features. We then used the key features we found to sort into man-made(human) or natural (physical features). In conclusion we decided that we could see lots of man-made features in our village but that we are also surrounded by natural features and countryside.

We then used the information and pictures from our walk to sort they features into manmade (human) geography and natural (physical) geography in our learning journals to show our knowledge.

To continue our learning enquiry, we then investigated flooding. We found out that there can be different causes for flooding, depending on where you live! Look at our findings below.

We have also been looking at maps and examining how the land in our local area is used. The year 1 children labelled how the land is used on a map, while the year 2 children used an Ordnance Survey map of Baltonsborough to create a key for the different ways that land is used in Baltonsborough. To finish this learning experience, the children will create their own non-chronological report to answer our enquiry question of ‘how does the flooding in my local area impact our lives?’. This will give the children the opportunity to incorporate all of their knowledge and skills into this final outcome. We can’t wait to see the finished reports!